Saturday, November 16, 2013

Hospital, health and drinking

Hi lovely people!!

I went to the hospital this week for a check up to see how I have been. As of yesterday I am 3 months post surgery!! YAHOOO!!!
My GI was really pleased with how I have been doing and I don't have to see him until the end of January...our longest time apart from each other for quite a while!! The longer apart your visits get is a good sign.
They weighed me.
I'm a little bit ashamed.
I am 11 kilos heavier since surgery!!
My IBD nurses and GI think this is an incredibly good thing, but I wasn't this heavy when I was healthy...I JUST REALLY LIKE ICE CREAM OK!!??

Following that I think I am going to join the gym. I am actually pretty happy with my body, I'm not upset with my weight or anything, I would just like to get fitter and be more toned. My body wasted away when I was sick so I have no muscle tone and would really like to work on that. I'm a bit worried about joining, and then getting arthritis - another lovely side effect of Crohns but I'm not going to know without trying. The gym I am looking at joining has a swimming pool, so no excuses if I do have my arthritis symptoms play up I can do the aqua classes...probably with a bunch of old or pregnant ladies aaaand me!

Another reason I really want to join the gym is because I would really like to improve on my overall health and to try and get myself as healthy as I can for when we want to try and have a baby. Being told that is unlikely that I can fall pregnant, understandably really rattled me. I am also one of those people that as soon as you tell them they cant do something they do their best to prove you wrong.
I truly believe that if I can be as healthy as I can be that we can have a baby. If not then I know I have done everything I can and will be healthy as a result of it.

Another thing I have to do is give my diet an overhaul. Most of you who know me know I often have odd dietary requirements at times, or sometimes am trying a new diet (and not so good at sticking to it) By diet, I don't mean your typical losing weight ones - think gluten free and those types of "diets". I haven't been very good at sticking to these in the past but having a baby as the end result is a pretty good incentive I do believe. There are so many diets around and I have an idea of what I kind of want to do. But keep posted for those adventures to come!

I am going to start in the New Year, I guess it is a New Years resolution of some sort, but mainly I want to start weaning myself off sugar so it isn't so much of a shock to me if I went cold turkey all of a sudden. Also my birthday is at the end of the month, then followed by Christmas less than a month after that. I truly believe I can stick to this diet but I am also realistic and if I were to start now I know I would be setting myself up for failure and disappointment. My birthday and the holiday season is just not the time to start!!

I had my work Christmas party last night and it was the first time that I have properly been out drinking in a loooooonnnng time. I was really pleased with myself. I stuck to pear based cider... I have to be very specific with my drinking unfortunately! Wine - too acidic, beer - to gassy and don't like it, apple cider - much too acidic, but pears I can handle!! I'm OK with this's bloody delicious. I had a water with me at all times that I kept drinking, so for every cider I had, I would have drunk the same amount in water.  Ostomates can get dehydrated very easy so I was really conscious of keeping hydrated. I drank a fair bit for someone who hasn't drunk in such a long time and I felt only the slightest bit tipsy. Tiredness and constantly rehydrating myself I think played a big factor, but I think I was just so paranoid of emptying Steffi drunk that I think it kept me with it!
I also had everything working against me in the toilet situation. To the first bar we went to...awesome cider! BUT WHO WANTS MOOD LIGHTING IN THE TOILET??! I couldn't see shit! (Haha see what I did there)
OK sorry...moving right along. The next bathroom I had issues with was at this lovely Greek restaurant we went to. Lovely food...BUT THE DOOR WOULDN'T LATCH!! It also sat half a foot open. I was petrified of someone walking in on me but thankfully nothing happened!

Here's some pictures from a couple of weekends ago at a friends birthday. If I can't post shameless selfies on my blog then where can I?!

Well that's me for now. Love and good health to you all.

Holly xx

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