Thursday, October 31, 2013

Going UP

Hi lovely people!!

It's been so long since I last blogged, and I do apologise but I have been a busy bee!
As of a few weeks ago I started back at work which was 7 weeks post op, and guest what?! I started back with a promotion!! (high fives self) I am now the Duty Manager for the next 6 months while my lovely friend Karla who was the previous DM is on maternity leave to have her beautiful wee girl.

I am pretty excited about the new position. I feel I'm starting to get into the swing of things again and hopefully doing a good job!! I am feeling a trillion times better than what I was when I left.  I was a bit apprehensive when I first started back because work can very busy. For those of you who dont know I work in a 370+ bed hostel and it gets pretty hectic at times. But so far so good, and I am loving the challenge.

Steffi is going good, I would say I don't notice her completely, but I do sometimes forget that she is there…unless I have eaten something gassy. Then she puffs up EVERYONE knows she's there. I have been getting a bit arthritisy lately and have been in a bit of pain from that, but nothing I can't handle. Murphy's law isn't it..everything is going great then my fantastic body decides, here have some arthritis to bring you back down!! I want to start exercising so I hope the arthritis doesnt play up too much because I don't want that to stop me.

Supposedly unrelated to Crohns but around the time that I got diagnosed with Crohns disease I started getting really itchy when I would come out of the shower. Antihistamines do very little, and the doctors don't even have a method of fixing it. So for 10 years I've been plagued by it off and on. It is so itchy it makes me scream and cry.. it literally drives me mental. I used to live in New Zealand and it used to be the worst in Winter. Now that I live in Australia it seems to be playing up when its hot. We aren't technically in Summer yet and already my skin is non stop itchy. It has got so bad that even as i type this I am writhing and scratching. I guess it has something to do with temperature changes. It now effects me all the time, especially when I am sleeping or wake up and hop out of the covers. Covering up my arms and legs seems to be the solution to fixing the itchiness but when you live in QLD with 30+ heat, that isn't a solution at all..that is hell. I'd love to know if anyone has something similar to this and has a way to manage it or products to try to help. I can't avoid the shower all the time!!

I have been putting on a lot of weight and ermmmm probably put on a bit too much because y'all know how much I love my food. I am going to try and start going to the gym this month and give it a whirl! Hopefully my joints dont get too sore, I am really excited about getting a bit fitter, and another step closer to be the new healthier version of me! I have a free trial pass for the next month where I can work out 2 days a week on Tuesdays and Thursdays (thanks Vodafone and Fitness First)  I will keep you updated how that goes. (In anticipation I bought cute exercise gear) YAY!!!

Well my lovelies that is all I have time for today, I will leave you with a picture of me today. It's Halloween so we all dressed up for work. It is so cool to be able to take part in things like this again, I never used to have the energy.

I'm a Zombie!!

Holly xx

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