Friday, September 6, 2013

Foodie Post

My appetite has returned..bigger than ever. Its insatiable, I just want to keep eating. I think it's psychological because I can eat normally now and I don't want to stop. I think it is safe to say not putting on weight is a thing of the past.

I can happily say that I went out for dinner the other night, the first time since my ileostomy operation. I was a bit scared about my choice of dinner, probably not the "safest" first meal out. I chose Thai. We have this A-MAZING Thai restaurant just down the road from us called Siam Sensations (everyone on the Northside of Brisbane needs to check this out)
I absolutely love the food there, not to mention the prices are so good, which is a plus since I haven't been working. Anyways, I have the tendencies to make short stories way longer than they need to be which is whats happening right now. To keep a short story, well…short... I had a mild yellow chicken curry, it was amazing. I also had a dim sim, a curry puff and some other thing that was also delicious, smothered in sweet chilli sauce. Result: No reaction to any of it.
Here is a picture of our food. Yip I'm that girl, photographs all her food. What up.

Yummiest yellow curry ever.

Tonight we headed off to the park down the road to watch the Disney/Pixar movie Brave. Our village that we live in has a festival each year…which is kind of random because I don't think many other suburbs in Brisbane actually do this?? It starts today with the movie in the park, and on Sunday they have a big festival, fare type thing in the main street. We have lived here for a couple of years now and have never been. I was thinking the reason we haven't been before is probably due to work commitments. But then Will pointed out after we had returned home that I wouldn't have been able to do this kind of thing a month ago, and probably a year ago too as I have been unwell for such a long time. Going to events where there is lots of people and not many/no toilets frightens me to no end so I would avoid things like this before.
Anyways back to the story, since hubby and I are free agents this weekend, we went to check it out. Even though it's a kids movie, I was really excited and had a really good time. I got in touch with a good friend of ours, Grace, who I know shares a mutual love for Disney films and we decided we will make a picnic out of it. Most people in their mid 20's are probably having a few drinks and going out on a Friday night. We go to the park, have picnics and watch Disney and are back home by 8.15pm. Perfect.

Seriously though it was awesome. It started off with some fireworks, which I was quite blown away by. My expectations weren't too high as this was a free event in my local good could it be?  But they lasted probably 10 minutes and were fantastic. I feel like a little kid watching fireworks, I can't wipe the smile off my face.

Earlier in the day Will and I went to the supermarket (which I am proud to announce, I walked to without needing a break) and got some things for the picnic tonight. I was a bit excited and nervous as this would be the first time I have cooked since my operation. Will has been fantastic at looking after me and has been cooking up a storm at dinner time for us. Since I often don't have a lot of energy and it gets hot in the kitchen I have been uncertain about heading in there. I really enjoy trying out new recipes, even though I am not the best of cooks! I decided to make some mini bacon and egg pies which I had seen on this great blog called Not Quite Nigella. Click here to see the recipe. These turned out pretty good though and taste even better. They are a perfect picnic treat. I thought it was going to be a disaster because when the recipe calls for eggs... It didn't mean your giant mofo free range eggs that I had, it needs ones a lot smaller or a bigger muffin tin. Maybe I am got a bit too generous with my fillings also…Thats probably it. I am quite in love with bacon, not going to lie.

Look at this cute little bottle I found for the ketchup!
 These pictures dont do them any justice. I wish I had cut down the middle of one where you would see layers of bacon and cheese and red onion. YUM! To put it into perspective, my husband Will has never eaten an egg like this before. He looks at eggs and runs the other way. I have only just got him eating scrambled eggs this year after being together for 6 years. He doesn't eat eggs done any other way, only scrambled..So they must be tasty because he really enjoyed them. I also made some salami and cream cheese sandwiches (without the crusts cut up into cute traingles, picnic styles of course) They also went down a treat. Will couldn't believe how yum they were, I'm not too sure if he's had cream cheese before either. It was a day of firsts for him!

I spent quite a bit of time in the kitchen and didn't feel yuck or need to rest at all so I am really happy. Today I really felt like my old self again. My old self has been gone for so long I didn't know if I would realise when I had found her!

I have been feeling so well that I feel a bit of a fraud. Why? Well my mum is arriving from New Zealand tomorrow evening and will be here for a week. Then my Mother-in-law arrives the week after and will also be staying for a week. I mean, I definitely still need help with a lot of things, and I do have days where I am so tired I can't do anything, but they are both coming over from New Zealand to look after me and I am doing way better than what we all expected. Nevertheless I am sure they will enjoy their breaks and spending some time off in another country where the weather has been absolutely perfect lately. Oh and of course spending it with yours truely ;)
I can't wait to see them both!

I would like to end by showing you a picture of the most yummiest ice cream ever and the reason why I will soon be overweight..But I cant because it's so yum and I ate it too quick. Streets, why do you have to make it limited edition?!! It's probably for my own good really…If only they came in boxes. It's a Strawberry White Crumble Magnum. Strawberry ice cream, with a white chocolate and biscuit shell. YUM.

Well I have sufficiently chatted about stuffing my fat face for quite some time now so I will sign off.

Love Holly


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