Thursday, August 8, 2013

Anaesthetist Appointment, Pre-Admissions and Stoma Nurse

Hey lovely readers,

Two days ago I went to the hospital to get the last things sorted before I go to have surgery next week. (It's actually only 1 week until I undergo my ileostomy surgery….eeeeek!!!)

First of all I had an appointment with the anaesthesiology team. They decided that they would put the PICC line in after they have knocked me out for surgery, which is what I wanted so I am happy about that. We then chatted about what pain medication I would have after surgery and we decided that I wouldn't be having morphine in my PCA machine because I get a little too drugged up. I will be having something else which I have had before that has a long name that I can't remember. It lasts only for 5 minutes at a time but I'm not too bothered about that, once it runs out I can just press the button again.

Next I had an appointment with the pre-admissions nurse. She basically just went over my previous surgeries and allergies etc. She gave me the dreaded Pico-Prep that I will have to take the day before surgery. UGGGGGGGGGGHHHHH!!! I can't even think about it or I will make myself sick. For those of you who don't know what Pico-prep is, it's a powder you mix up into a drink that cleans you out…VERY WELL. It is revolting, the taste lingers in your mouth and makes me feel so shitty. You can't even knock it back in one go because that can make you vomit. I have had this many times before for colonoscopies and I think most would agree with me that drinking it is worse than the colonoscopy itself. They have given me 3 sachets to drink. I'm thinking bloody hell, one of those sends me to the bathroom like you would not believe and I have TWO MORE OF THEM. I really do understand the importance of taking them, the area the surgeons have to work with, they need it to be cleared out and as clean as possible to make it easier for them, but also to reduce infection for myself. But there is still a big part of me that's like NO NOT DOING IT!!!

Annnyways!! The nurse asked me if I would like to go and speak with the stoma therapist as she was around and would be able to see me if I would like. I jumped at the chance! I had soooo many questions to ask her, I didn't even know it would be an option to speak with her before surgery as no one had mentioned it to me previously so I was pretty happy about that.

Good things I found out are that Australia has a pretty good scheme where stoma's are concerned. After my op, I will get signed up to become a member of the QLD Stoma Association, which is just up the road from me so quite ideal. It only costs $45 and then that covers all my ostomy supplies for the year. I will have to pay for delivery but that's minor, and because they are literally just up the road I could possibly pick them up. I am pretty relieved about that I was expecting to pay a lot more.

I mentioned to the stoma nurse (Linda) that I have really sensitive skin so she has given me some bags that i can cut up and stick little bits to my arm to see if any have a reaction which is good. ( I wont be walking around with poo bags attached to my arms guys) Just a tiny strip of the adhesive plastery bit! Haha. I must say I felt so prepared for this operation but I was still quite confronted when I saw the ostomy bags in person. I have seen them plenty of times in photos and videos but holding one in person and realising what it is going to do for me and where it is going to go was still quite a shock. I don't even know what I was expecting but I was kind of like is that it? Like…it doesn't come more high tech than this…? I know that sounds stupid but I did have a little moment of shock..but hey that's to be expected right?

We talked about many other things, Linda made me feel very reassured and was such a nice lady to speak with so I am really happy that she is going to be my stoma nurse. She also gave me her contact details so if I freak out or have any other burning questions then I can call her. Apart from that I will be seeing her next week before surgery, she will be marking me up for the surgeons once we chat about how and where I wear my clothes as to what is the best place for my ostomy. I am a bit apprehensive about this..what if I make a really shitty decision and it totally conflicts with my clothes? I have faith in Linda though…I think I will just leave it to her!

I will leave you with this picture which was in the pre-admissions room. I thought it was great, and would love to put it up at work sometimes ;)

Much Love

Holly x


  1. You are so brave Holly. I wish there was a sign like that when I was working!
    Love Soph xx

  2. Go holster, you got this! See you in a couple of weeks.
